Blog: Privacy
New media encourages users to get into contact with others across the world, opens doors to opportunities, and share content. When users sign up for an account on the web, they are asked to agree to certain terms and agreements. Such terms are usually long and require time to read through, thus most users do not read it and give their consent. In said "contracts", there are sometimes ridiculous terms such as Amazon's clause concerning a zombie apocalypse for lumberyard materials. In other cases, not reading terms and services could lead to consequences such as possible privacy and confidentiality issues. When users utilize new media, they are putting themselves at risk of exposure of private content and loss of confidentiality. Their activity on the web can be monitored by companies that use the information to their advantage. These companies could use it to aid in their marketing efforts and/or sell it to other entities. Hackers over the internet could get private information and data to do harm. Personal and sensitive information such as addresses, social security numbers, and bank information that linger on the web can land in the hands of unauthorized people. People who use new media expose themselves to this risk of vulnerability depending on what they use even if they don't intend for it to happen.
I totally agree with your column about privacy. sometimes we just want to use the service, but even if we don't agree with all the parts of the clauses, we have to agree to them just for the service. To use our smartphones we all sign a contract without reading.