BLOG: Blog v Wiki

Both blogs and wikis allow for people to share and contribute their thoughts on a platform. Blogs and wikis differentiate in who can write, edit, and publish the content. Blogs are usually limited to one person or admin(s) who is the only contributor. The posts are usually opinion based and raw thoughts on any topic. As stated in the article "Wal-Mart Tastemakers Write Unfiltered Blog", blogs "puts a real personality out there in a real conversation" and "is an intensely personal window into the lives, preferences and quirks..." On the other hand, wikis are able to be written and edited by just about anyone who has access to the internet (with a moderator to keep the content in check). Additionally, wiki pages are separated by topic. Thus, any contributor should be offering information only related to the topic page. In the article "What Motivates Wikipedians?", "content is contributed by volunteers who offer their time and talent in return for no monetary reward." Contributors are welcome to add/remove content as long as it is true at any time.

Convergence in today's networked world is important in that users of the internet are able to find a community they could be part of that may cater to their individual interests. People are able to debate their opinions through blogs and comments, or offer knowledge and information through wikis. Blogs can be used for collaboration if the topic is similar and can be combined to make a point stronger. For example, school blogs compile the blog pages of multiple students of a class on a certain topic--in this case, New Media. Each blogger gives his/her own insight on New Media and a user can collectively gather the information on each blog for other use. The bloggers are collaboratively providing information on a set topic through separate blog pages.


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